Tuesday, December 18, 2007

"dad will only kill you...."

So that's not something you want to hear your son tell you right?!?! lets back up to yesterday afternoon. I had told the boys we'd go see Santa before he left town for his big night. We go to the little mall.....no Santa....so we're off to the big crowded mall. It was so cute, the boys seemed a little star struck when they saw him and had to be encouraged to go up and talk with him. They had a great visit and Santa was impressed with only 1 request per boy. So then we're looking around the mall a little and we see a pet store. It's been there for a while but we don't get to the mall often. Right there in the big window are 3 of the most adorable little puppies ever!!! Tiny little white mops with a few black spots.....some kind of cross breed I can't remember right now. So I'm standing there in the window whiney like a 10 year old....please can we get a puppy!?!?!? while Mitchell is telling me that we shouldn't even be looking and that I know we can't get a puppy. I say "I know daddy will kill me" then Matty chimes in with well if daddy will only kill you can we get one?? I'm almost afraid to wonder if he was serious!! Needless to say I'm still alive and we didn't come home with a puppy!


:::b r a n d i::: said...

LOL - I'm glad you're still alive, but fuzzy white puppies are hard to resist.

{S} said...

So maybe you will get one soon. :~)
Merry Christmas!
p.s. I'm so happy your mom is doing well.

Brenda is SO Blessed said...

thank God your mother is doing better-----i think you should have gotten the puppy..after all what is a little death when you can get a puppy?? LOL