Friday, December 28, 2007

Such a bittersweet day....

Ten years ago today my oldest son Mitchell was born!! what an awesome day it was for us.....especially for me after being in labor for 30 hours and pushing for over 4 hours!!! So why bittersweet you might be thinking?!?! well today he decided to spend the day with us and the night with his friend at his first sleepover!!! I've been a little freaked out all week. I mean it's not even the kids's MITCHELLS birthday! No really I'm happy for him and really tried not to make him feel too guilty for not choosing me :) a little guilty maybe! We did have a good day, being the birthday boy he got to plan the day. We started with lunch at El Toro (his favorite restaurant) then a movie, National Treasure (both were awesome) then we hit Toys-R-Us so he could do a little shopping then Circuit city so he could pick up a new x-box 360 controller. Now I'm packing for a crop tomorrow and the little guy and Brian are playing the new Star Wars battleship the boys got for Christmas.....I think right now Matty is winning =o)

Here are a couple pictures from Christmas....

the boys setting up Santa's cookies & milk....later both wrote notes for Santa, Mitchell letting him know he's welcome to use our restroom if he needs to (with a space for him to sign if he does use it!) and Matty just letting him know that he loves him and loves Christmas. Currently Mitch's note is mia.....looking very hard to find it!!

Matty asked Santa for a Bantha set.....DUH!!! the Tuskan Raiders use Bantha's for transportation in Episodes 2 and 4. (it's that rat looking thing on his lap =o)

Santa brought Mitchell the AT-AT he's been drooling over for months!! yes another Star Wars Christmas for us!!

Lobot.........lobot........has anyone seen lobot??
I hope that everyone had as wonderful a Christmas as we did and your hearts are filled with Joy.
God Bless you


{S} said...

Happy Birthday to Mitchell!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all! (((((((hugs)))))))

:::b r a n d i::: said...

Happy birthday to your boy!! (A little late)

Jenna Franklin said...

Merry Late Christmas, Happy Late New Years and Happy Belated Birthday to Mitch! I'm hoping you get emails when you get comments because I can't figure another way to reach you at the moment, lol! Will be in Champaign this afternoon - love to have coffee or something! Give me a shout - :)