Saturday, April 12, 2008

Mitchell is a Young Author!!

On Thursday Mitchell was honored at the Urbana District Young Authors Celebration. Linda Gorham was the keynote speaker (she's a professional storyteller) and was fantastic! They had some breakout sessions for the kids, lunch, awards and the UMS students did some dramatic interpretations of some of the stories submitted, Mitchell's wasn't one chosen. Here is a picture of him recieving his certificate from Dr. Williams, the district superintendent. Brian, Matty and I were able to enjoy the day with him.


Fuzzy White Dogs said...

That's wonderful!! Please give him my congratulations!

Brenda is SO Blessed said...

congratulations to Mitchell (and to mom and the rest of the family). What a wonderful honor!

:::b r a n d i::: said...

Very cool!

Jen Hoover said...

that is AWESOME!!! :D
Congrats Mitchell!! way to go!!

{S} said...

Congrats to Mitchell!!