Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The smell is gone!!!

I'm not sure why it went away so fast, but on Tuesday we couldn't smell it upstairs anymore and this morning not even a trace outside. So I'm thinking Mother Nature took pity on me and swept it away!!

I'm going to meet up with friends at a crop on Friday. I'm excited since I'm already packed from the last crop in Springfield.....hummm speaking of I still haven't heard back from them. Guess I'll leave another message today.

Monday, February 25, 2008

What's that smell.....

so last night I'm reading while Brian is watching Yankee workshop on TV and I smell a weird I aske the usual ??'s did you burp or fart he says's a faint but odd smell...after a while he smells it and thinks it's a new plastic smell. weird.. he's ready for bed, I'm like we can't go to bed with a weird smell in the house so I ask him to go downstairs to check it out and I'm going to finish my chapter in bed..he comes back and says it's stronger in my scraproom but he walked outside and can smell it there too so it must be something outside that has drifted in..OK..I finish my chapter and turn out the lights..only the smell is bugging me, so I go downstairs as soon as I get down tthere I KNOW what it is......a SKUNK!!! in the fall our neighbor told us he things a skunk is living under our front steps. They're concrete and there was a small hole dug under them so Brian filled it with rocks and forgot about it....well my scrap room is right up against the front of the house UGH so now who do you call to de-smell your front porch and find this pungent little creature?!?!?

Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Golden Compass....

I saw the movie and decided I HAD to read the book, and then the next book and then the next book!! I'm about half way thru the third in the series, The Amber Spyglass and I can't put it down! What a great story, it's a great adventure. I woke up several time last night thinking about the characters. I'm hoping to get it finished today or tomorrow so I can get back to real life!! This happens every time I find a book (or worse if it's a series!) I love. I remember when I started the Harry Potter series there were only 4 books released and I devoured them. I've passed on my love of reading to Mitchell, who by the way stayed up until 4:50 am on Tues night to finish his book.........not a good idea on a school night! He was suprised when we didn't punish him. We really felt that having to go to school on 2 hours sleep was punishment enough!! Anyway back to The Golden Compass......I highly recommend it!!

Saturday, February 23, 2008


We got more snow! about 4"or more, so much more then predicted. The boys had a great time playing and shoveling!! They were outside for about an hour afterschool yesterday. I'm hoping to get some pictures of them outside today. I don't have many good snow pictures of them. Our snow comes then goes to fast you have to be quick. We might go sledding, we'll see. Brian has midterms next week so he has a weekend of studying planned.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

It's been a crazy couple of weeks, first with some of my still unresolved health issues and then today with this

Mr. White was a teacher at my son's school. I've gone thru the entire range of emotions since his arrest. I hope this can give us some closure. My heart goes out to all affected.

Sunday, February 17, 2008


On Friday, Diane and I headed over to the Scrapbook Your Memories Fair (formerly the Shop & Crop) to meet up with another friend and scrap the day away!! We helped out Donna by taking some supplies for her booth and meet up with Deanne and Isabella for dinner, had a great time! We did a little shopping then headed back to the hotel.....I only mention this because this was the most comfortable bed I think I've ever slept on!! I didn't want to get up and tried to figure a way to get it out and into the van :) We got to the crop bright and early and started right in cropping and shopping. The show has gotten small but it was nice. Around 3 Donna came over to tell us that the crop was being shut down due to something happening on the fairgrounds (the show was being held in one of the buildings on the State fairgrounds) WHAT?? I thought she was kidding until I saw the firetruck. Seems there was some kind of electrical problem and the area needed to be evacuated!! so we had to pack up and head home :( the time we did have was fun I just wish it had been a little longer.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Wood Badge

Brian has been working for the last year and a half to earn his wood badge award from the BSA. This is the highest award an adult leader can earn. He got his award yesterday at the anual Prairielands Training, where he also lectures on leadership. The boys and I went for the ceremony.