Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Chicago - Field Museum day 2

Here Matty is trying to move a block the same size and weight that were used to built the pyramids.......he said he got it to budge just a little :)

Saturday was back to the Field Museum! we were starting our day off with the Real Pirates exhibit. This is a traveling exhibit about the Slave Ship turned Pirate ship Whydah Galley. SOOO cool!! I highley recommend seeing it if it comes to your area. No pictures were allowed but you can get more information here just so happened that evening the special was on tv so we got to learn even more about the Pirates. The boys loved the Egypt exhibit so we went thru that and the Earth Evolution again. Very cool place!!


Angele said...

Looks like fun!!!

Molly said...

I want to go to Chicago! It looks like you had a super-cool time, though that one shot of the mummy....yeah a little creepy, yes? :-) (((HUGS)))