Saturday, March 01, 2008

I've been Tagged!!

10 years ago I was:

still on maternity leave with my first born, Mitchell. Giving him lots and lots of sugar!! scared half out of my mind thinking I was going to break him.

5 things on my to do list for today:
1.) Take Matty to a birthday party
2.) Take Matty to his scout den meeting
3.) finish the lo I started at the crop last night
4.) check all the blogs I read
5.) take a nap!!

4 things I would do if I became a billionaire:
1.) Book a trip to Disney world!!
2.) Pay off our debt
3.) By new cars
4.) invest invest invest!!!!

3 bad habits:
1.) don't watch what I eat
2.) procrastinate
3.) Keep things that I should throw out

5 jobs I have had:
1.) ER tech
2.) Corrections Officer
3.) Nanny
4.) MOM
5.) Corn detassler

6 Things most people don’t know about me:
1.) I have 2 tattoos
2.) I was so shy in HS I didn't join the activities I wanted to
3.) I say I want a dog but I really don't =o(
4.) I don't know what I want to do when I grow up
5.) I am terrified of heights..even just a few feet off the ground
6.) I have watched cheesy reality shows when I'm bored

I'm tagging Daiva , Sherri, and Nicole.If you get tagged copy and paste this to your own blog, and put in your answers, and then tag 3 other people.


Brenda is SO Blessed said...

well--- looks like i cant tag you either--dog gone--having trouble getting someone who has not been tagged yet

Jen Hoover said...

you're a hoot! :D