Friday, March 28, 2008

What's going on here?!?!?

Last night Mitchell tells me he wants to take his showers in the of course Matty does too. They've done them in the morning a few times, but not on a regular basis!! so what am I to think?!?!? is this another sign they're getting older!! or is it they just don't like taking time out of their evening? I think I'll stick with the time thought, and not that my babies (of which half are as tall as I am) are growing up!!

But it did work out really nice this morning. Last night I told them before they did anything they needed to shower, they both got up and were showered before I got up =o) It seemed to get them going too, not too much prodding them this morning! This could be a good thing!!


Sherri said...

yep, they are growing up!

:::b r a n d i::: said...

I much prefer showers in the mornings...wakes me up. My DH still showers at night though. He doesn't like to go to bed "dirty".