Friday, September 21, 2007

Did I mention I started going to Curves??

My good buddy started and has been bugging me to go with her. She said she wouldn't stop until I gave her a good reason why I can't go too......and since I couldn't come up with one I decided to re-join (I was going 2 years or so ago got really sick and never went back) so I made my appointment and started last week. Today was the end of my second week (I refuse to sweat on the weekends!!) My friend always weighs herself as we leave, I don't......thinking if I don't see results I'll stop going.....but today I thought oh why not......ready for this.....I've lost 10 lbs!!!!!! Holy crap I can hardly believe it. I am also walking to and from school most days and that's 2.5 miles. I'm so proud of myself!!!Maybe I'll start posting a pic of myself on my official weigh in day??


TammyB said...

Wow - you go girl!! Congrats on the weight loss! I need to do something but I can't get motivated. I'm so glad you have someone to push you along. So how are "other" things, if you know what I mean? I've been thinking about our conversation at Archiver's and hoping your feeling better about things.

:::b r a n d i::: said...

Yay!! Awesome! It feels good, doesn't it? I've lost 16 so far and it's nice to have to remove clothes from my closet that don't fit anymore.

Laurie said...

Way to go Brandi!!!

{S} said...

Way to go chick!! you are inspiring me to get off my butt!