Sunday, November 30, 2008


Look what greeted us this morning...

The boys had a great time playing and making a couple snowmen!

Friday, November 28, 2008


I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

I hope all you black friday shoppers got all the deals you were hoping for!

I've decided to run in a marathon!!! OK so I'm not going to do the entire marathon. I thought about half....then I decided on the 5K portion...hey it's a start!! you can get info at maybe someone will join me?!?!?

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I had a dr's appointment today.....I have lost 32lbs in the last 8 weeks and 55lbs total!! This has been a great day!!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

our first Illini game

I don't think we've ever even watched one on T.V. so all you basketball fans will appreciate this story.....

we get there find out seat, the boys want a they decided a snack before the game and one at half time....OK with me. we go get them ice cream.....the snack stand is making fresh cones!!! it smelled SO good!!! game starts......having a great time!! we're trying to figure out how many periods are in a game.. who know?? not us....Ok a friend from Mitchell's class is sitting nearby and says it's 4 - she says she should know her brother plays in middle school.......still with me?? so Mitchell has to go to the bathroom so it's 3 minutes or so until the end of the 2nd period so I say lets go now and get your snack before the half time crowd......go pee....get snack....sit down.....just in time for the buzzer.....I'm all confused the teams are doing the good game hand slap.....what!?!? announcer says......Thanks for coming out!! OMG we start laughing!!! we just got snacks for the ride home!!! the boys had such a great time!! I even hate to admit I enjoyed the game too

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Saturday, November 15, 2008

well I fell off the wagon today! no not that wagon, I did get up early and was at the gym by 8am :) but I had a weak moment this afternoon and needed something sweet bad!! so I had a small bag of m&m's from the boys halloween bucket! one of the tiny ones with maybe 10 m&m's in it so not a hard fall....

now for something fun. Here's a lo I did at a crop a couple weeks scraplift off my friend Daiva

Friday, November 14, 2008

Take the quiz....

lets see if I can get this to work

forgot about yesterday!

Oops! I forgot to blog yesterday.......I can't even remember what it was going to be about.....LOL oh well.

Today lets talk SURVIVOR!!! do you watch? do you love it? if you don't watch......why not??? Post a reply with your favorite player this round and I'll have a drawing for some blog candy! gotta post today to be in the drawing. Oh and a bouns if you know who my ALL TIME favorite SUVIVOR is :)

I went back to the gym today. My knee didn't hurt at all while I was on the elliptical so that was a bonus. It was a little uncomfortable after but nothing like it has been. Hopefully that means I'm on the mend and will be back to normal soon.

I'm waiting impatiently for Twilight to come out in theaters next friday! my mom and I are plannign dinner and a movie to so see it. I can't wait!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Things I'm thinking about today

I hurt my knee over the I couldn't go to the gym today. I'm laid up on the couch resting it and watching massive amounts of tv. I read a message board post this morning and it got me thinking about something......clothes.....I've always been partial to white shirts, I have a closet full of them, but what I've never had is a fitted shirt! so I know have 2 things for when I hit my goal weight......first is I'm not going to cut my hair (no matter how crazy it's driving me!) and I'm going to order this shirt! I might even order every color they have!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Monday, November 10, 2008


I made my weight goal!!! another 7lbs down!! Join me in a

~*~*~*HAPPY DANCE!~*~*~*

Friday, November 07, 2008

bad morning......very bad morning.

don't go for a walk in the country alone......

maybe more later.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

another 2lbs gone!! I am SO gonna make my goal on Monday!!

I'm all packed and ready to head out to a weekend scrapbook retreat. Just waiting on Chris to get here, then we'll go pick up I hope all our stuff fits in the van!

I'm excited and have been looking forward to this for a while. I get to see lots of great friends I've made over the years.
This is a page I did 2 weekends ago at an all day crop. It was also a challenge here

Wednesday, November 05, 2008


My friend Alecia has some blog candy up for grabs! she has put together an aweome package....go check it out here


So I had a really rough day yesterday. I just wanted to eat something. I'm not sure what was going on, I wasn't hungry. I just kept telling myself that I was doing so good.....don't blow it now! After driving past countless fast food places giving it everything I had not to pull in I made a deal with myself. I'd weigh in this morning and if I hadn't lost anything from my last weigh in I'd have a hamburger for lunch today........well guess what...........NO HAMBURGER FOR ME!!! I've lost another 2lbs!! I'm so close to my goal (I needed to lose 20lbs by Nov 10) so that leaves me with 6 lbs to go.........I CAN DO THIS!!!

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

So today I went out and did the most American thing possible........I VOTED!!! I hope you do too.

Monday, November 03, 2008

I started my day out as usual today.....I have this goal weight and date looming over my head so I decided to kick up the workout a bit today and spent 60 minutes on the elptical!!! YIKES what was I thinking! it kicked my butt! I had to take a cat nap on the couch this afternoon.

Here's a picture of me taken 8/29/07

and this one taken 8/27/2008

I can't reallly tell but there's about a 25 loss during this year.

oh and btw I weighed in today and lost another 4lbs!!

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Yesterday while reading a friends blog I found out it's NaBloPoMo or National Blog Posting Month, you're supposed to write a blog entry every day for the month. So I thought I'd give it a try and see how much random usless stuff I can come up with :)

Today the boys and I are going to see Kung-Fu Panda. This is the last weekend for the free movies offered by one of the local theaters. The show the free movies on Sat and Sun mornings. We went to see it yesterday, Mitchell has this awesome deep from the belly laugh and it came out full on! So I told them we'd go back to day if they got their chores done.....which they did =o)

Saturday, November 01, 2008

healthy living

I'm getting a bit obsessive about this...I'm going to the gym every day and really controlling the portions I make and serve. It's amazing once you start to really see results. I keep finding dents!! you know where it used to be filled in!! I think I'm going to start posting every Monday with my progress then taper off to the first of each month. Just in the last 2 weeks I've gotten my blood sugar under control, I went from mid to high 200's down to under 100.....I've been able to start decreassing come of my medicine!! GO ME!! :) I'm not sure what the final straw was for me but I'm glad it finally broke. There's even talk of me participating in the Turkey Trot!! I'm going to post some pictures tomorrow then will post one on the first of each month.


Here are my scary guys! Mitchell wanted to look in the attic for Brian's old soon as he found this he didn't want to look any further....look out Jason here comes Mitchell!!

While Brian and Mitchell were looking at the masks Matty came across this one :( my cute little Mattyana Jones was out the comes the Devils Apprentice (Matty's made that up!)

They had so much fun trick or treating!! we spent the entire 2 hours out walking the streets, they had the most fun trying to scare people. Mitchell would ask people if they had ever been camp councelors!! after getting the candy of course =o)

Brian and I got up to go to the gym this morning. I went upstairs to leave them a note and this is what I found......both of then in our bed watching Saturday morning just doesn't get better than this!!

I hope you had a Spooktacular Halloween!!