Sunday, November 02, 2008

Yesterday while reading a friends blog I found out it's NaBloPoMo or National Blog Posting Month, you're supposed to write a blog entry every day for the month. So I thought I'd give it a try and see how much random usless stuff I can come up with :)

Today the boys and I are going to see Kung-Fu Panda. This is the last weekend for the free movies offered by one of the local theaters. The show the free movies on Sat and Sun mornings. We went to see it yesterday, Mitchell has this awesome deep from the belly laugh and it came out full on! So I told them we'd go back to day if they got their chores done.....which they did =o)


:::b r a n d i::: said...

Well shoot, I missed a couple of days due to a scrapbook retreat...I'll just try to post more often than usual and see if that suffices.

{S} said...

I didn't know about the blog posting thing. LOL!! Either way I am so glad to see you are posting a lot more.