Friday, November 28, 2008


I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

I hope all you black friday shoppers got all the deals you were hoping for!

I've decided to run in a marathon!!! OK so I'm not going to do the entire marathon. I thought about half....then I decided on the 5K portion...hey it's a start!! you can get info at maybe someone will join me?!?!?


daiva e said...

Way to go, Laurie!! I don't think there's any way I'd ever do a marathon, or even half. However, I would love to start running 5K runs - if I could keep injury free. Are you going to run or walk? You go, girl!!

Amanda said...

I asked hubby if he wanted to do it and he doesn't think he could, what's up with that?

I would love to do it but need to be able to even walk that first! Who knows, by the time April comes you might have someone else to join you!

:::b r a n d i::: said...

Wow, girl, now that's ambition! I can't run...seriously, it hurts the, uh...girls...if you catch my drift. But I admire those who can!

Laurie said...

LOL now that I've slept on this I'm thinkint the 1K sounds pretty good!! I'd do a combo of walk and walk faster!!