Saturday, November 01, 2008


Here are my scary guys! Mitchell wanted to look in the attic for Brian's old soon as he found this he didn't want to look any further....look out Jason here comes Mitchell!!

While Brian and Mitchell were looking at the masks Matty came across this one :( my cute little Mattyana Jones was out the comes the Devils Apprentice (Matty's made that up!)

They had so much fun trick or treating!! we spent the entire 2 hours out walking the streets, they had the most fun trying to scare people. Mitchell would ask people if they had ever been camp councelors!! after getting the candy of course =o)

Brian and I got up to go to the gym this morning. I went upstairs to leave them a note and this is what I found......both of then in our bed watching Saturday morning just doesn't get better than this!!

I hope you had a Spooktacular Halloween!!

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